Where my areolae go, I will follow.
-The Miss

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Evening out the playing field...

Hey Readers!

I had a moment yesterday that has resulted in utter turmoil! I went into a hot tub with a few of my friends and realized I could not tell Gladys from Jiles and vice versa! I am slightly concerned!!!! Their respective breasts are about the same size now...

More updates to follow...
I'm hoping they don't have a case of DID, for all of you psych majors out there...

-The very confused and bewildered Miss

Friday, February 5, 2010

Hello, there! Long time, no write. :(

This will be a short blog, but I just wanted to send you all to a hilarious site. Many of you have probably seen it before. You have to read the February 2nd entry and listen to the audio.


Breast well!
The Miss